You May Have Dry Eye Syndrome
LipiFlow® is one of the most advanced and effective doctor-led procedures for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), a common eye condition and the most prevalent root cause of severe Dry Eye Syndrome.
MGD can be caused by a number of factors, such as age, ethnicity, corrective lens use, high cholesterol, bacterial infection, and even certain medications. MGD can range from being relatively minor nuisance to completely debilitating to your quality of life.
Our Manhattan Dry Eye Doctor Provides Relief
Dry eye is a condition with a variety of causes. This common and irritating syndrome occurs when your body does not produce enough lubricating tears or changes in your body decrease the quality of your tear composition.
One cause of dry eye is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), defined as a blockage or problem with the meibomian glands. MGD can drastically reduce the amount of lipids (oil) in your tears, which allows tears to evaporate too rapidly. Statistics estimate that 86% of all dry eye patients are affected by a problem with their meibomian glands.
Because every case of dry eye is unique, you need an experienced specialist to evaluate your condition, determine the cause and recommend the best treatment. With offices in Manhattan (NYC) and West Orange, NJ, Dr. Alan Schlussel is your leading dry eye doctor. Why suffer? For relief from your painful symptoms, schedule an appointment at the Dry Eye Treatment Center of NY & NJ

LipiFlow For Meibomian Gland Dysfunction & Dry Eyes
The LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation System, by Johnson & Johnson, is a specialized medical device that improves gland function. Consisting of a console and a single-use sterile Activator tool, LipiFlow therapy is drug-free.
This breakthrough system is gaining popularity with eye doctors around the world, and we are proud to offer it at the Dry Eye Treatment Center of NY.
LipiFlow Testimonials
Emily’s Story
Linda’s Story
Robin’s Story
Common Questions About Lipiflow
What Should I Expect With LipiFlow?
To begin, Dr. Schlussel will insert numbing eye drops so that the procedure is completely painless. Using revolutionary Vector Thermal Pulse Technology, LipiFlow transmits heat and peristaltic energies to the meibomian glands.
As a result, any obstruction or stagnant content in your glands is liquefied and pushed out of the gland openings.
Is It Safe?
LipiFlow’s contoured device vaults over the cornea gently, thereby protecting your delicate eye structure – while providing quick and effective treatment. The therapeutic heat is regulated precisely with numerous multi-point sensors and continuous feedback.
Pressure is applied intelligently, with a customized sequence of pulses that expel any gland blockages while simultaneously preventing any unnecessary intraocular pressure. Altogether, these high safety measures lead to minimal discomfort and maximum results.
Why are Tears So Important
Tears are important function of healthy, comfortable eyes. When dust or small particles enter the eye, tears can form, which in turn clean the eye while keeping the eye moist. Therefore, when tears evaporate too rapidly and the eyes become dry, it can cause itchy eyes, irritation, and general discomfort.
How Do You Assess Whether LipiFlow Is Right for Me?
At the The Dry Eye Center Of NY & NJ Dry Eye Center, we use a number of advanced tools to diagnose Dry Eye Syndrome and formulate a custom treatment plan. Below are a few of the advanced diagnostic tools we use when assessing your Dry Eye Syndrome, which help us decide which treatment plan is best for you, and whether it should include LipiFlow.
LipiView is a non-invasive 5-minute eye examination procedure that provides the doctor with an accurate digital picture of a patient’s tear film, including its lipid content and quality. This information helps the eye doctor decide whether the patient requires a LipiFlow procedure or needs to undergo other dry eye therapy treatments.
Dynamic Meibomian Imaging
Dynamic Meibomian Imaging (DMI) combines two innovative imaging technologies: adaptive transillumination and dynamic illumination. Each technology produces its own independent image of the meibomian glands. Both images are then processed, displayed, and combined to provide a more accurate and precise picture of the structure of the meibomian gland. These images allow the optometrist to detect any structural changes or blockages in the meibomian glands.
LipiScan is a non-invasive testing procedure which helps doctors better assess the health and structure of your meibomian glands. LipiScan generates a multidimensional view of the glands and plays a decisive role in diagnosing and treating the symptoms of DES and MGD.
Let’s Put an End to Your Dry Eyes
For more information about our LipiFlow treatment procedure and to find out whether it’s right for you, contact the The Dry Eye Center Of NY & NJ Dry Eye Center today. We will be happy to assess your condition and discuss your options. We provide caring and specialized Dry Eye and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction treatment to patients in New York City, Montclair, Livingston, South Orange, and throughout New York.

Call Now To Schedule Your Dry Eye Appointment